Samantha Lee and Chris Farhi from the Bayleys Insights & Data team covers the latest news including house price trends and outlook for the market. Sales snapshot of recent residential sales around the median house price and our property of the week.
Samantha Lee and Chris Farhi cover the latest news including the Reserve Bank reduced the OCR by 50bp which should add confidence to the market. Bayleys latest NZ Development Land market update and our property of the week.
Eos Li and Chris Farhi cover the latest news including data shows the supply of homes for sale was at a decade high at the end of September. NZ government is streamlining some aspects of building consent processes and our property of the week.
Samantha Lee and Chris Farhi cover the latest news including data shows increase in buyer enquiries. NZ government prompted its workers to return to the office and our property of the week.
Samantha Lee and Chris Farhi cover how the recent reduction of the OCR is impacting the property markets. They draw on the findings from two recent polls: one that asked the public for their perception, and a second that asked a group of Bayleys agents what they’re actually seeing at the coalface.